Icarus' Website: http://home.earthlink.net/~dinkbird/
Live Journal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/icarusancalion/
Email: icarus_ancalion@yahoo.com
"Beg Me For It" ~ Part I : Beg Me for It
Nc17 rating. Summary: Ron tells of how and why he wound up working for the Death Eaters. Lucius asks Ron for a favour, and life takes a turn for the truly bizarre. (Yes, yes, I normally hate first-person POV stories, too, but this tale requires Ron's relentless humour. Trick or Treat, Mr Death Eater.) Warning: Non-Con/Rape. Notes: Thank you to CLS for the Beta review, Isiscolo for her Beta comments; support from Brodie, and tboy for this unusual concept. This is a challenge fic from Fred C., who said: 'just once, I'd like to see Draco beg Ron for sexual pleasure.' I said, whoa, what would that take? Here's your answer: a lot. Dedicated to the RS.org sleazy fic drive.
These drabbles were written from Ron's point of view. They fall between 'Beg Me For It' and 'Sex, Drugs and Death Eater Rock.' All thirteen of them.
Nc17 rating.
Summary: How does someone as proud as Draco say thank you? He doesn't. He pays the favour back, oh so creatively. Ron is in for one hell of a night. Written for the Boozefest at http://boozefest.netfirms.com/. A warm thank you to my lovely Betas, TBoy (Lynda) of the Boozefest, CLS, Switchknife and Isis. And thank you to Wilderness Guru, my 'drug consultant', who is responsible for the line "I feel like honey poured from a jar...""Beg Me For It" ~ Part III : Hey You
Captured by the Death Eaters and working for Lucius' Ministry of Magic, Ron
and Draco plot its downfall. Hey you. Don't help them to bury the light.
Don't give in, without a fight.
Author notes:
Thank you to CLS (go read her Stag Night at www.schnoogle.com/authorLinks/CLS)
and T’boy (check out the Severus FQFest at http://www.sockiipress.org/~luthien/snapeff/index.html)
for the beta review, general insightfulness and brilliance. This story only
makes sense because of them. Thank you to Justacat for the corrected song
lyrics to Pink Floyd’s ‘Hey You’ (I knew ‘I’m dead beyond the wall…’ was
probably not right). And a big hug to Bugland and Alchemia Dent for their
Quassios (in the delightful ‘A Bittersweet Poison’ at http://rodentfancy.com/fanfic),
which was the inspiration for Quaissis. Now, don’t mistake the two, Quassios
will crush the bones in a victim’s body. Quaissis is quite different. This is
part three of the ‘Beg Me For It’ series. The other parts can be found at
"Beg Me For It" ~ Weasley and Weatherby. Story
R- rating.
Summary: A
chilling tale, an AU of the AU 'Beg Me For It.' Ron and Draco are prisoners of
the Death Eater Ministry of Magic. As they plot its downfall, they find that
Lucius Malfoy has 'tampered' with newest member of their rebellion, Percy.
Author notes:
This is not really part of the Beg Me For It series, and none of the events in
this story occur in that story arc. Switchknife simply asked for more between
Lucius and Percy... though I sincerely doubt this is what she had in mind.
Thank to Salix Babylon for the beta review.
"Beg Me For It" ~ Six Week Charade. Drabble
R- rating. Summary: The Death Eaters' Ministry of Magic as a low security prison, and Ron is slowly being worked to death. The Death Eaters don't care if Ron is sick... but Draco does. For Thywillbedone. Very brief. Author notes: For the 16 fics in two weeks challenge.
Percy makes amends.Nc-17 rating.
'Never cut off a man's escape
route... unless you want to see just how hard he can fight.' Dumbledore's
forces hit the Death Eater's Ministry of Magic. After a year in prison, Ron
and Draco are ready - mostly. Ron's plan is set into motion.
Violence. It's war. I make no
Author notes:
Well. An action/adventure fic. It's finally done. Thanks to the beta-reading
of sparrohawk, CLS' ever-insightful comments, electricandroid, underlucius,
the verbal stylings of Mike-the-cunning-linguist, and wildernessguru's
extraordinary knowledge of all things military.
Nc-17 rating.
Summary: The aftermath of the battle for the Ministry. "So déjà vu. Here I am again on the steps of the Ministry, for the first time in eight months. And all we've done together, all of it, is running through my mind. Crazy as it all sounds, I wouldn’t change a thing." Authors Notes: Thanks to CLS' ever-insightful comments, and Cyanei's speedy edits."Beg Me For It" ~ Part VI : Celebrate Life
Nc-17 rating.
A bubble of peace before Ron and Draco
have to face freedom. Reunions and choices.
Written for Femme. Thank you to Cordelia V for the most impressive beta
review and many suggestions as well as her fascinating observations. And for
everything else, too.
"Beg Me For It" ~ Part VII : Scarred
Summary: A victory? Maybe. But in prison Ron had had something he didn't plan to lose now he was free. The final chapter of 'Beg Me for It.' Author notes: Thank you to Isis for the Beta review."Reunion" ~ Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V
Nc17 rating. M-preg.
Summary: Ten years after their steamy romance, ten years of complicated, messy lives, two men find themselves at loose ends... and together again. Wondered why most Fanfiction has teenage lovers ending up together. What if the ordinary happens? They go their separate ways, and then meet again ten years later... Notes: Thank you to Isis for the fast Beta review. Author notes: Thank you to Wilderness Guru for all his love and assistance.Part II Notes:
'Name Dropping'. Draco and Severus Snape trade scurrilous rumours. (This story
has 37 fanfic authors mentioned. See if you can find them.) The complete list
(in order!) and links to their websites are at the end of the story. Have fun!
Not everyone I read and enjoy is mentioned here, just those I happened to be
thinking about at the time. The item I picked for the author's name is
strictly onomatopoeia, (i.e., Kissaki sounds like an item on a Japanese menu).
If a certain author ends up being called 'odorless and tasteless' that has
nothing to do with the author. It's simply the natural result of being in a
story with Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy, those scions of sarcasm. The point
is to recommend their work. Thank you:
to Millefiori and Carmudgeon for the thorough Beta review.
Author notes:
Thank you to Saar and Blackstone for the excellent betas and many detailed
"Realistic Morning Sex Challenge" Drabble
Summary: Koanju (aka Arkady, aka Idiot Parade) complained about perfect morning sex in fanfic, sans bad breath and b.o. She challenged us to write realistic morning sex. Alright, Koanju, here's realistic morning sex for you.